Helpful tools for events at Camp Kinard & Coastal Retreat
South Carolina Lutheran Retreat Centers
Links & Documents
We know that each successful event starts way before you arrive on site. We invite you to use these resources to help in your planning for upcoming programs at Camp Kinard & Coastal Retreat.
Have a question? We invite you to reach out to our staff at anytime. With over five decades of experience in serving groups on retreat, we’re here to help make sure your next retreat is memorable and as stress-free as possible.
We look forward to welcoming you here soon!

Helpful tools for your next retreat
The Jesus Way
“The Jesus Way” is a gentle 1.5 mile trail that loops around Camp Kinard. Along its path are several stations where each individuals can pause to read a brief devotion on their mobile device and reflect on a theme. We invite you to explore this part of camp during your next visit!
Bread of Life
Bread abounds in holy scripture! This devotion centers around John 6:35 and includes verses about hunger, community, and Holy Communion from throughout the Bible.
In Our Backyard: The Blinding of Sgt. Isaac Woodard
In 1946, Isaac Woodard, a Black army sergeant on his way home to South Carolina after serving in WWII, was pulled from a bus in Batesburg-Leesville for arguing with the driver. The local chief of police savagely beat him, leaving him unconscious and permanently blind. This devotion encourages ongoing discussion on racism in our community.
Stations of the Cross
The Stations of the Cross or the “Way of the Cross”, also known as the “Way of Sorrows” is an ancient practice of prayer. These ecumenical stations were patterned after the Via Dolorosa, the traditional walk to Calvary, using scripture from the four gospels.
True Love: A Study of St. Valentine
The story (stories!) about St. Valentine is more than just romantic love. Legends surrounding St. Valentine and the legacy of faithful witnesses like him continue to inspire us. This devotion centers on God’s love for us and our love for those in our community.
Helpful tools for your next retreat
Other Resources
We invite you to use these documents while planning events at Camp Kinard or Coastal Retreat.
(or even in your local ministry settings!)
Advent Devotions
Written by Rev. Mary Finklea, this four-part devotion centers on the story and gifts of the Magi.
Labyrinth Devotion
A labyrinth is a form of pilgrimage, a sort of holy wandering that draws us close to God. Written by Rev. Mary Finklea, this devotion can be used at the labyrinth by the Camp Kinard lake (or anywhere else).
Chari-TEA – A “Fun”-raiser for SCLRC
This social event is a fun way to engage your women’s group or others in your congregation. We provide all the tools and planning sheets to make your part as easy as possible!